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i'm a simple person... =)

Saturday 23 April 2011

Thanx A Lot

don't want to talk much..
just a simple entry from  a girl that always do a mistake..
yeahh, i'm the person that always do a wrong thing..
i know that is ur thoughts about me..
do u realise ur own mistake??
of course not because u always think that u're 'PeRfEcT'...
am i right??
i'm so happy with the way u treat me.. thanx a lot.. <3
n i think it was an AWESOME feeling.. yeahhh.. thanx again.. :)
i hope u are happy just like me..

Never allow someone to be your priority while allowing yourself to be their option

p/s : think wisely b4 say smthing.. :D

Sunday 17 April 2011

:: Just Friends VS Real Friends ::

salam... =)

why i choose this topic??? this is based on muet examination question.. cool rite?? yupp.. the question is "the most valuable thing in life is friendship.. do u agree??" yes, i agree.. well, we could not deny that family is the most important but friends also important in our life.. ok, back to the main topic.. what is the differences between these two friend..

JF : calls ur name sweetly..
RF : calls u with stupid silly name..

JF : never seen u cry..
RF : cry with u or stop ur tears..

JF : will never hurt u..
RF : hurt u often with 1000's of apologises..

JF : only be with u for a while..
RF : always be with u..

so, which friends do u have??
my real friends.. <3

Saturday 16 April 2011

::: I love my status for now :::


yupp, i love to be single.. its because i can spend more time with my family n friends.. but,i think this is not the main reason.. or mybe i'm scared to fall in love again?? of course not..
i'm NOT scared to fall in love, but i'm scared to be hurt again especially by a MAN.. <3

the answer is because once you've been hurt, you're so scared to get attached again.. u will think that every person you start to like is going to break ur heart...

For me,

falling in love for the first time is awesome,
broken heart for the first time is terrible,
falling in love for the second time is learning,
broken heart for the second time is an experience,
falling in love for the third time is maybe,
broken heart for the third time, i hope it will not be happen again..

that is the good reason.. i think.. =)

Thursday 14 April 2011

When April comes !!!

Just want to share something here.. okay, come n see my schedule for this month.. April is the busiest month for me.. so, i don't have much time to update my blog.. *sigh* really tired with all these things..

Muet Speaking Exam : 06 April 2010, 11a.m
Quiz Study Skills (ACSF012) : 13 April 2010, 12p.m
MidTerm Business Management (MGMF033) :13 April 2010, 8p.m
Quiz Finance (FICF014) :14 April 2010, 8p.m
Muet - Reading :16 April 2010, 8a.m
           - Writing :16 April 2010, 10a.m
               - Listening : 16 April 2010, 12p.m
MidTerm MacroEconomics (ECMF023) : 20 April 2010, 3p.m
Quiz Critical Thinking (CRTF013) : 21 April 2010, 9.30a.m *maybe
MidTerm Critical Thinking (CRTF013) : 21 April 2010 *maybe

so, what do u guys think?? *faint already* but don't worry, i'm still strong to face all of this thing.. REALLY?? hahaha... maybe.. :P

A lot of people are tired around here, but I'm not sure they're ready to lie down, stretch out and fall asleep.
  by : Jim Jones

Tuesday 5 April 2011

Debaran di hati~~

salam sumer.. pe khabar?? hopefully suma sihat hendaknya.. ari ni aku baik ckit.. hehehe...

ok, aku xnk ckp byk coz esk aku ada muet.. doa2kan la aku yee.. tkut giler weyhh.. ag nervous bla dgr cter mbr2.. ada gak mbr2 aku yg dpt soalan snang.. walawehhh !!! untng r korg.. pape pun thniah laa yee coz da lpas part speaking..

turn aku esk.. aku pnya sesi kul 11a.m... nsb baik bkn kul 7.30a.m.. hehehe.. lau x, msti aku mgntuk pnya.. pape pun, mlm ni tdo awl yee.. thats y la aku update blog awl2.. lau x update msa ni, conform mr.spiderman dtg.. die 2 bkn blh tgk aku snang.. hehehe.. merepek la plak aku ni.. 

k la.. mcm yg aku gtau td, aku mls nk ckp byk.. thats all.. wish me gudluck yee.. =)

p/s : lau korg ada tips utk muet candidates,jgn segan2 tgglkan komen k..

Monday 4 April 2011

Mr.X dan aku ='(

salam suma..

entry ari ni myb lain ckit kot.. ari ni aku nk luah prasaan aku.. aku hrap suma bnda blalu ngan pntas.. Ya Allah, berikan lah hambamu ini kekuatan.. amin

walaupun suma pmenang anugerah ABPBH gmbira, tp tdak aku.. ari ni aku bsedih..begitu pntasnya kegembiraanku d ragut.. dlm sekelip mata sja.. hurmm

xku sangka, ko sama je cam yg lain.. USELESS.. abg a****, i really need u.. Mr.X da lukakan ati ini abg.. tp aku tau, khdiran abg tlah mberi seribu hikmah kpd aku.. abg muncul ktika Mr.X mula mlukakan ati ini.. aku ingtkan aku da btul2 knl Mr.X, rupa2nya x.. die da byk brubah.. mana Mr.X yg aku knl dlu? yg aku knl ktika skolah rndh.. yg slalu tmankan aku ktika aku prlukan kwn.. btul la apa yg slalu aku dgr, ati org blh brubah, seiring dgn msa.. Mr.X, andai kata ko tbaca entry ini, 1 je yg aku nk ko tau, di saat ko btnya kan soalan itu, scara rasminya ko tlah mgecewakan aku.. dan mulai saat ini, aku akn blaja mbenci ko..

n 1 ari nanti, jgn plak ko ckp yg aku da byk brubah.. aku jd bgini disebabkan ko.. aku tau n aku sdar diri ini xsberapa.. aku mgkin x sprti yg ko tnya tp aku pun ada prasaan gak.. aku bknnya robot, tp mnusia.. aku repeat MANUSIA.. yee, aku mnusia biasa yg srba kekurangan..pape pun, aku doakan ko bhagia Mr.X.. abg, help me.. i need u to 4get him.. n aku hrp lpas ni ati ini xkn di lukai ag..

 k la.. thats all.. bai..

P/S : doa kan smoga aku dpt org yg lbh baik dr Mr.X.. :)

Sunday 3 April 2011

Sayang kamoo !!

salam :)

ari ni aku happy sgt2.. hehehe.. nk tau nape?? eh, mana blh gtau.. rilek la derr, wa gurau jekk.. xpe2, yg pntg hang pa suma tau yg aku ngah happy.. die da wat aku happy sgt ari ni.. thanx abg a****.. even abg xtau, tp abg da wat sy happy.. u're the best bro...

die ni blh d kategorikan sbgai org yg pntg gak la dlm hdup aku walaupun xde ikatan psaudaraan.. xksh laa tp do u know my bro, aku sayang kamu.. ingt 2.. <3 aku syukur sgt2 coz die mncul blik lam hdup aku bla aku btul2 prlukan sesorg.. aku rasa seolah2 aku mdapat sinar bru dgn kmnculan die.. msa aku dpt contact die blik, mnangis aku d buatnya.. rupa2nya bru aku sdar, die amatla pntg dlm hdup aku.. hbungan aku n die tputus msa aku form 3 n die form 4.. yelaa, msa 2 aku blaja kat skolah berasrama n skul aku plak hnya smpai form 3.. lama gler ktorg xbtnya khabar.. wlaupun aku tau umah die katne n aku prnah lalu dpn umah die, aku xprnh singgah.. aku segan laa..

segan nyerr..
bro, i hope u know how much i love u.. aku hrap parents die chat.. now, i realise, the person that i really miss is u.. n only u.. (xla only sgt, parents aku pun pntg gak tau) kra die ni org ke3 tpntg after my parents n my friends) ermm, da tpnjang la plak entry kali ni.. hehehe

ok, 2 je yg aku nk cter.. babai..

P/S : aku hrp korg pun happy.. :)

Saturday 2 April 2011

Malaysian University English Test (MUET)

credit utk abg google.. muahh

utk entry kali ni, aku mls nk ckp byk.. agpun aku kna stdy utk muet...muet ni xsama ngan mute.. haa, mute ni lau korg nk matikan suara.. muet ni plak mcm exam gak r.. biasanya utk bdak form 6 n bdak U.. yang bru nk spm, korg xyah nk brangan laa.. exam ni bkn utk korg.. :P lau zaman skolah2 dlu, exam bi kan, so, muet ni mcm adik bradik die laa... tp cra bg gred lain ckit.. die guna kan istilah BAND.. lau dpt mrkah tggi, korg akan dpt band 6.. lau band 3 kra ok ag tp lau band 1, korg kna usaha lagi la mknanya..

ok, blik ke topik asal.. aku sbnarnya tkut giler nk ambk muet ni.. smacam xyakin je.. yelaa, aku ni bkn la pndai sgt speaking (merendah diri).. yela, muet ni bkn cam ujian lisan kat skolah.. die ada 4 kategori..

1. speaking - haa, part ni aku pling tkut.. mana xtkutnya, examiner die speaking bkn cam kita.. pekat g2.. lau xcya, tgk ni..
 mekasih akak you tube

2. reading - part ni aku xrsau sgt, stakat bca ape la sgt kan.. cehh, poyo je.. -_-"
 bla.. bla.. bla..

3. writing - bnda yg pling aku xska.. bkn pe, aku mls laa nk tlis2 ni..lau 3 pth pkataan xpe la gak.. ishh

4. listening - dalam byk2 kategori, yg ni je aku blh bg tips utk dpt mrkah tggi.. caranya, korg korek tlinga n then cuci ngan clorox or vanish.. nk kasi lagi emphh, korg msukkan downy skali.. ok, aku da start mgarut.. sory yee.. 
tq abg google :)

tu je laa yg ingin aku coretkan.. btw, gudluck to all muet candidates tmsuk aku.. hik3.. akhir kata, maju la bangsat bangsa utk negara.. ngeehh3..

k la.. pg stdy la plak.. muncas grasias.. :)

babai... <3